Is Your WordPress Site require a change?


Let's go over a Couple of telltale signs Which Will Allow You to know Whether your WordPress website needs a bit of a makeover.

1. Dxxaoes Your WordPress Blog Need a Makeover? 

Over 60 percent of Google searches come from mobile devices, as Google first stated in 2015. This usually means the likelihood of a visitor viewing your website on a mobile device is higher than ever. This means your website needs to be responsive and mobile friendly. It is no longer a question.

The easiest way to make your website responsive and mobile Friendly is by upgrading to a new theme which accompanies these attributes developed in. The Themeatlas motif and all its demos are responsive and ready for the mobile internet. You can set up each one with a single click using our free presentation import extension.

2. Your Domain Ranks Low in Google

Google needs the very best of the very best on its top pages. It weeds Out low-quality sites with each new algorithm it releases. If your website rankings low in Google, you may have one of these low-quality sites.

You will find dozens upon lots of variables that enter

Quality Content

Mobile-Friendly Site

Quick Page Load Times

If you are still publishing little blog posts of under 500 Words are syndicating/scraping articles from other websites, you likely won't rank well in Google. You need first, in-depth content which covers topics thoroughly.

3. You've Broken Links & Outdated Pages

Links that lead to pages that no longer exist and webpages you No longer use have no place in your website's structure. It makes the spine and frontend of your website a mess.

Use a plugin such as Broken Link Checker to find broken links On your website, and eliminate these links or redirect them into a page that works properly. Afterward, install a Google Search Console account for your site to monitor broken hyperlinks and get alerts when they occur.

Last, go through the list of pages you made inside of Free premium wordpress themes, and eliminate those you no more use.

4. Ah, hit counters. Letting visitors know how many other Use a theme and site which highlight your services and content with well-designed components, and leave the gimmicky web layouts behind.

5. Only

This isn't much of a problem with sites, but it when it comes To the homepage of a business site, it has to be clean and have a very clear focus.

This is commonly known as a"call to action" Your homepage ought to be optimized for conversions, which means it should get a possible customer to buy or contact you for a consultation. If you clutter it with a sidebar full of links to your social networking accounts, latest and greatest posts, and much more you are driving attention away from that call to actions.

6. You Utilize Outdated Web Design Styles

Website went live in 1991, and sadly, a few of the outdated fashions still plague much of the internet today.

7. Colours

Does Your WordPress Blog Need a Makeover?

The very first style I will mention are colours. Employing the primary Colors of colours are the best way to go, since you can see in the logo Google used in 1998. It's possible to see how unpleasant and outdated these colors seem.

Alas, the usage of such sunglasses have not been Completely obliterated in the last 20 years. Many websites still use harsh colors of blue, green and red, shades which do nothing more than damage the eyes and make your site look cheap.

Instead, you should use different shades of every colour to Provide the design a shinier look. You are able to observe how well this worked for Google in the new logo they introduced in late 2015.

Does Your free premium Wordpress theme Site Need a Makeover?

Each the colours are milder, and the entire design is flat. This gives it a much sharper appearance that maintains its sharpness no matter how much it's resized.

Use a service such as Colors to create better color schemes To your company.

8. Fonts

This point piggybacks off of the use of Google's emblem in the Last point. Fonts fall into two Chief classes:



Serif fonts have been the standard in print for centuries While sans-serif fonts are famous for their web friendliness as a result of their curved edges, though there are plenty of serif fonts which were redesigned to the web.

If you don't understand the difference between Both of These Kinds of Fonts, look at the overall look of the font used at the Google logo we referenced. They changed their font to make sure it seems fine and legible regardless of the size of the screen you're watching it on.

You need to think about changing your fonts as well to make sure...

Your website does not look outdated by using fonts which have Gone out of fashion.

A simple way to Make Sure your fonts are not outdated is by Sourcing them from Google Fonts. This is a library full of fonts which were revamped for the modern web.

9. Wrapping Up

A new fad is declared everyday. It can be tricky to predict whether a fad will change the way we look or die off just as fast as it was born, especially if you're unfamiliar with web designing.

This list comprised a few main elements you Want to be Worried about, so we hope it simplified matters enough for you to take action And provide your WordPress site a makeover.


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